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Lessons Learned & Best Practices

Year: 2021Income Group: Upper middle incomeSource: VNR
Finding: Traditional knowledge of how to care for domestic and traditional plants is eroding in the Marshall Islands. The loss of traditional agroforestry knowledge has been accompanied by the disappearance of native forest trees and local agroforestry systems. In order to implement more effective policies, engage local communities, and promote the traditional knowledge into forestry-related policies decision-making, the country's Forest Action Plan includes a component on traditional land-use management practices compilation and dissemination.
Year: 2021Income Group: Upper middle incomeSource: VNR
Finding: The Marshall Islands National Strategic Plan is the country's roadmap to sustainable development and inclusive growth. It is aligned with the 2030 Agenda and the SAMOA Pathway. It prioritizes five pillars for development, 1) social services and cultural identity, 2) economic development, 3) infrastructure, 4) environmental awareness and climate change, and 5) good governance. Those pillars guided the Marshall Islands VNR building process bridging its chapters. As a result, the report adopts an integrated and coherent approach to the 2030 Agenda as a whole.